Admission is free thanks to the

Jennings Foundation!



How much time should you plan for our visit?
We recommend you allow at least an hour, but it can vary depending on your interest in the displays.

Does the museum have things for children?
There are several interactive exhibits that children love. We also have a phone booth with Superman’s cape hanging in it (children love taking photos in the booth with it). We have one of the largest collections of character phones and many more interesting exhibits to catch their attention.

Do I need to make reservations for a group?
We can handle most groups however, we do ask for a $2 per person donation to help with our upkeep. Please contact us two weeks in advance to make an appointment so we can provide you with a better experience. You can, you guessed it, call us at (810) 639-6644.

Are animals allowed in the museum?
We do allow service animals as long as they are certified.

Do you accept donations?
We do not charge for visiting the museum, but we gladly accept donations to help with upkeep. We take donations in the form of money, but we also accept objects that have a connection with telephones and donations that relate to Montrose history. All donations get a receipt to be used for a deduction. For more information please call us at (810) 639-6644 or you can email us at

Yearbook Wanted

Montrose School Yearbook for 2004 to complete our collection. We have all of the rest of them since the first one in 1947.
If anyone has a copy to donate you can drop it off at the museum. We even have some duplicates available for purchase.
