Admission is free thanks to the

Jennings Foundation!



Montrose Cemetery Established 1859

Welcome to our genealogy section where you will find a wealth of sources to help you in your search for local information about your family.   Where were their homes, where did they go to school? Did they own a business here? Was there mention of them in the newspapers of the day? Our purpose is to help you find answers to those questions so you can obtain a greater knowledge of not just your relatives’ names, dates of birth and death, but also how they lived their lives in our community. What was the Montrose area like in its formative years?   When we formed the Montrose Area Historical Association in 1980, we wanted to preserve the past of the Montrose area for present and future generations and genealogy is an important part of fulfilling that goal.

   To aid you in this endeavor, we have staff members who are well versed in research. One person can guide you through family genealogical research at the museum and online. We have thousands of obituaries to read. Another person has done extensive research in hundreds of local newspapers in our archives from 1859 to the present day and has set up databases listing Montrose area people and the businesses they owned. We have hundreds of photos of people, homes, farms, buildings, schools, churches, businesses and street scenes.  Maybe you’ll find a photo to go with one of your relative’s names. Maybe you’d like to view the yearbooks of Montrose Schools to check out the pictures with all those great hairstyles. You’ll be able to see what downtown Montrose looked like through the years and how in 1888, when the railroad went through, the people who were scattered throughout the township formed the village of Montrose into a bustling community. What part did your family play in that development? 

“Like branches on a tree, we may grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.”

– Unknown

Yearbook Wanted

Montrose School Yearbook for 2004 to complete our collection. We have all of the rest of them since the first one in 1947.
If anyone has a copy to donate you can drop it off at the museum. We even have some duplicates available for purchase.
